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    Scribes: Give Patients Your Full Attention & Improve Work Flow

    Scribes can create a smoother, more effective exam.

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    Use Tablets to Share External Eye Photos with Patients

    By Robert L. Bass, OD, FAAOJanuary 14, 2015A tablet makes it easy to take—and share--external photos of a patient’s eyes to provide...

  • 2.4K
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    Market Your Medical Eyecare Services

    By Maria Sampalis, ODLet patients know you're the doctor to see for an eye emergency or condition. Then your patients will dial...

  • 9.1K
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    Scribes in the Exam Room: Patient Experience & Efficiency Enhancer

    By Yoongie Min, ODUsing scribes in the exam room lets you view the patient, rather than a clipboard or computer screen. Also,...

  • 2.1K
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    Senior Citizen Eyecare: Implement Strategies for Success

    By JeanMarie Davis, ODAddressing the eye health of senior citizens is a practice-builder that provides a needed service, and offers profitable streams of...

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    Children’s Medical Eyecare Services: Turn the Entire Family into Patients

    By JeanMarie Davis, ODMonitoring and treating the eye health of children is a practice-builder that brings in whole families as patients. The key:...

  • 2.5K
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    InfantSEE: Bring the Whole Family Into Your Practice

    By Monica Allison, OD, FOAAProviding InfantSEE services is a great way to bring a whole family into your practice. When you provide...

  • 3.3K
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    Meet the Growing Challenge: Treating Macular Degeneration

    Our aging population is providing more cases of macular degeneration. Serve this growing need by discussing UV protection and lifestyle changes, and...

  • 2.4K
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    Spring Brings Opportunities in Treating Ocular Allergies

    By Arthur B. Epstein, OD, FAAOAs spring allergy season approaches, take steps to enhance and publicize your ocular allergy services. Providing this...

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