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  • 8.2K
    Practice Metrics

    Top Metric to Track: Eyewear Rxes per 100 Complete Exams

    By Thomas F. SteinerDirector of Research, Review of Optometric BusinessEyewear sales are the largest revenue source in most practices. Eyewear dispensed per...

  • 2.6K

    The New 3.8 Percent Tax: Strategies to Keep Money in Your Pocket

    By Adam Cmelja, CMFAProven strategies can minimize your exposure to a new 3.8 percent tax. Saving money requires that you act early.

  • 5.2K
    Practice Metrics

    Top Metric to Track: Complete Exams Per OD Hour

    Here's the best way to compute exams per OD hour.

  • 7.2K
    Practice Metrics

    Top Metric to Track: Gross Revenue Per Complete Exam

    By Thomas F. SteinerDirector of Research, Review of Optometric BusinessThis is the first in a series of articles on leading metrics that...

  • 2.3K
    The Optometric Minute

    Opening a Second Practice: Tips for Success

    Penn Moody, OD, owner of Moody Eyes in Indianapolis, is one year into the acquisition of an existing practice that complements his...

  • 8.6K

    Practice Purchase or Expansion: Manage Expenses to Reach Profitability

    By Chad Fleming, OD, FAAOPurchasing or expanding a practice can be more costly than you think. Here is how to break down...

  • Finances

    Acquiring a Second Practice: Six Tough Questions to Ask Yourself

    By Robert SchultzMost doctors are surprised at the initial low return of a second practice acquisition. Look at the entire picture, not...

  • 2.6K

    Online Listings: Be Effective When Listing Your Practice for Sale

    By Mark Wright, OD, FCOVDIncrease your chances of finding a buyer by strategically listing your practice online. The web sites of optometry...

  • 2.4K

    Refract Your Finances to 20/20: Put More Money Away for Retirement

    By Adam Cmelja, CMFASecuring your financial future takes careful preparation. Here is how an OD and his wife worked with a financial...

  • 29.6K

    Starting Cold: Calculate & Manage Expenses to Reach Profitability

    By Chad Fleming, OD, FAAOStarting a new practice cold may be more costly than you think. Here is how to break down...

  • 2.2K

    Patient Financing: Communicate the Message, Facilitate the Purchase

    By Gina M. Wesley, OD, MS, FAAOProviding patients with financing options is a welcome service that can boost revenues. A provider rep can...

  • 2.8K

    Annual Financial Review: Scrutinize Expenses, Fine-Tune Profits

    By Rachael Click, ODCreating a budget for the new year based on last year's financial successes and failures allows you to plan...

  • The Optometric Minute

    Put a Financial Management Strategy in Place

    Carl Spear, OD, of Sign and Sound Eyeworks in Pensacola, Florida, advises that any practice must operate from a sound and comprehensive...

  • 2.0K

    Wealth Management Tools: Secure Your Financial Future in the Present

    By Adam Cmelja, CMFAIt's never too early to think about the wealth management tools that will help you plan for a secure...

  • 4.7K

    Understand Relevant Costs to Make Better Decisions

    By Jim Moore, OD, MBADo you know what your relevant costs are? Understanding this concept can mean the difference between profitability and...

  • 9.1K

    Key Financial Metrics to Track–and Improve–for Profitability

    By Gerald A. Eisenstatt, OD, MBAIsolating and tracking key financial metrics will allow you to see where you can improve and thereby...

  • 2.6K

    Collaboration: Foster Productive Interaction with Peers

    By Harue J. Marsden, OD, MS, FAAOThere is a fine line between collaboration and competition. But when the right balance is struck,...

  • 3.4K

    OD Peer Groups: Creativity Comes from Within and Without

    By Brian Blount, ODOptometrists can discover good ideas in unexpected places—like from their peers.

  • 2.1K

    Autumn Time Management: List Your Key To-Dos

    By Laurie L. Sorrenson, OD, FAAOFall is a busy time for many ODs. Creating a to-do list can help you to focus...

  • 2.6K

    Moving Office Space: Careful Planning Pays Off

    Gordon G. Wong, ODMoving to a new office space can expand your capacity to better serve patients and max out profits--if you...

  • 2.9K

    The State of the Optometric Profession: Increase Demand Among Existing Patients

    By Thomas F. SteinerDirector of Research, Review of Optometric BusinessAOA Excel recently commissioned Jobson Medical Information to assess the current status of...

  • 2.1K

    An Open Letter to Contact Lens Manufacturers

    By Brian Chou, OD, FAAOContact lens vendors who sell to optometric practices can be an ODs best friend--if the relationship is productive...

  • Finances

    Observations from a New Practice Owner: 4 Keys to Success

    By Maria Sampalis, ODBecoming a successful new practice owner means taking a multifaceted approach including honing communicating skills, offering competitive pricing of...

  • 5.1K

    The State of the Optometric Profession: Optometry Has Excess Capacity

    By Thomas F. SteinerDirector of Research, Review of Optometric BusinessAOA Excel recently commissioned Jobson Medical Information to assess the current status of...

  • Finances

    Advice for New and Experienced ODs: Understand Essential Business Concepts

    By Gerald A. Eisenstatt, OD, MBADo you understand and apply essential business concepts in managing your practice? Whether you are a new...

  • 2.4K

    Connect the Docs: Make the Connections Required By Healthcare Reform

    By Aaron Lech, OD, FAAOIs your practice ready for healthcare reform? Now is the time to learn about the healthcare exchanges  and...

  • 2.5K

    State of Independent Optometry: Optometry Dominates Primary Eyecare

    By Thomas F. SteinerDirector of Research, Review of Optometric BusinessAOA Excel recently commissioned Jobson Medical Information to assess the current status of...

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