Staff Management

  • 1.9K

    Needed: Competent AND Personable Staff

    By Diane Palombi, ODYour staff is the face of your practice. If that face isn't high-performing and pleasant, don't expect patients to...

  • 1.9K

    Implement Objective Performance Assessments with Online Tools

    By Stuart J. Thomas, OD, and Ellen Byrum-Goad, LDONew online tools are available to aid your management of staff enabling you to better...

  • 3.2K

    Adding an Associate: Compare Doctor & Associate Expectations

    By Eric M. White, ODAdding an associate can rapidly grow an established practice--if that new doctor complements your skills. And, if you’re...

  • Leadership Slam-Dunk: Lessons for ODs from Coach Jimmy Valvano

    By Ken Krivacic, OD, MBAHere’s how to score points in superior staff management and long-term practice profitability.

  • 2.2K

    Employee Management How-To: Increase Staff Engagement

    By Thomas F. SteinerDirector of Research, Review of Optometric BusinessA major Gallup study of the American workforce demonstrates that staff “engagement” is...

  • 3.4K

    Training Pays Back

    By John Seegers, EdMOD-owners tend to think of investments as just real estate or instrumentation. Just as important is the investment you...

  • 2.1K

    How Engaged is Your Staff with Practice Goals?

    By Thomas F. SteinerDirector of Research, Review of Optometric BusinessA major Gallup study of the American workforce demonstrates that staff “engagement” is...

  • 2.4K

    Personality Assessments: Essential Tools to Help in Hiring Decisions

    By Ken Krivacic, OD, MBAGreat staff is key to profitability. Personality assessments are a great tool to help you identify job candidates...

  • 2.5K

    Incentivize Staff with Bonuses: Take the Team Approach

    By Gina M. Wesley, OD, MS, FAAOIncentivizing staff with bonuses works. It benefits the practice most when you take a team approach.

  • 2.2K

    No-Stress Teambuilding: Nurture a More Effective Staff

    By Cheryl G. Murphy, ODRock climbing, rowing, relay races and cracking the codes of riddles are good team-building exercises. But for the...

  • 4.9K

    Appointment Book Sabotage: Is Your Staff Booking Fake Patients?

    By Cheryl G. Murphy, ODIs your staff booking fake patients? Know the signs and responses to deal with this all-too-common optometric employee...

  • 4.3K

    Staff Retreats: Focus on Goals to Enhance Patient Care and Revenues

    By Ken Krivacic, OD, MBAStaff retreats are vital for goal-setting—and can elevate the level of staff performance. Take the time, do it...

  • 4.1K

    MBA Staff Management Survey: Key Findings and Your Action Plan

    By Carole Burns, OD, FCOVD, and Mark Wright, OD, FCOVDStaff management—especially hiring-- is one of the most challenging tasks for practice owners....

  • 2.6K

    Off-Site Retreats: Tune-Up Your Practice Performance

    By Amir Khoshnevis, ODAn off-site executive or staff retreat can sharpen your practice's focus. Here are the elements to make it work.

  • 2.8K

    Staff Retreats: Teambuilding and Talent Enhancement Tool

    By Mike Rothschild, ODA purposeful, well organized staff retreat can offer teambuilding and important planning for a more profitable future. An upcoming...

  • 3.2K

    On a Mission: Craft a Mission Statement to Reach Practice Goals

    By Thomas F. SteinerAn effective mission statement will guide your practice on the path to profitability.

  • 3.0K

    Put Me In, Coach: How Professional Coaching Can Make You a Winning Team

    By Kristen Bentley, OD, CPCCProfessional coaching can motivate both you and your staff. How coaching services can pay off big time.

  • 2.5K

    Encourage Positivity: Re-Focus or Eliminate Negative Employees

    By Rachael Click, ODEmployees with a positive attitude create an office with a positive vibe--which patients respond to. Encourage an upbeat staff,...

  • 2.0K

    Can a Business Recover from Bedbugs? Yes–with an Effective Staff Response

    By Brian Chou, OD, FAAOIt's not a mistake that sinks you with patients; It's a staff that doesn't know service recovery. Here’s...

  • Innovative Thinking: Five Mindset Changes To Make Growth Happen

    By D. Penn Moody, ODFor independent optometrists to survive and flourish, we need to overcome antiquated thinking. Here are five mindset changes...

  • 2.9K

    Your Staff: Top Source of New Ideas for Improvement

    By Laurie L. Sorrenson, OD, FAAOYour staff is a wellspring of new ideas, so solicit their ideas with a staff survey. Then...

  • 5.0K

    Staffing Matrix: Cross-Train for Versatility

    By Rachael Click, ODCreate a staffing matrix in which employees easily can move into other job roles. This enables even a small...

  • 2.6K

    Train Employees to Provide Consistently Superior Service

    By Elaine Happ, OD, and Melonie Carlson, CPOAHire employees according to baseline qualifications, then train them to maximize their potential. This pays off...

  • 2.9K

    Recharge Staff with Job Role Re-Organization

    By Rachael Click, ODSwitching job roles can re-energize your staff and enhance service to patients. Consider transitioning one employee into a different...

  • 3.2K

    Associate Acumen: Prepare Well When Adding a Doctor

    By Gina M. Wesley, OD, MS, FAAOBefore adding an associate, calculate your scheduling wait time and space requirements—then compute the additional services...

  • 2.6K

    Optometric Alliances: A Primary OD and Staff Education Tool

    By Edwin Liu, ODOptometric alliances are now leading sources of OD and staff education. Joining an alliance—and accessing their educational resources—can lead...

  • 3.2K

    Executive Review: Assess and Improve Practice Performance

    By Rachael Click, ODCollaborate with staff to assess practice achievements and shortcomings, and plan staff and doctor performance improvements for the next...

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